welcome, friends!

I’m KaT —

I’m a self-discovery and empowerment coach, yoga instructor and life enthusiast on a mission to help women create more fulfillment, trust, delight and intimacy within their selves, lives and relationships.

Through various tools and explorations, I will teach you how to open up lines of communication with your body, guide you in healing inner wounds and dissolving old belief systems, and help you to establish confidence, reliability, joy, and safety from within, so you can wholeheartedly live from a place of true expression, alignment and authenticity.

My yoga classes are intentional, creative, playful, and full of love. Each session, an invitation to dive deeper into the intricate layers of self. By incorporating different somatic practices- such as, self inquiry, emotional connection and body consciousness- I offer my students experiences that reach far beyond the physical asana of yoga.

My coaching is a welcoming to women ready to go higher, to know themselves deeper and to experience the zest of life, self-love, spirituality, relationships, intimacy, expression, trust, growth, healing and freedom in a way they never have before. This path is not meant to be traveled alone, which I know from great experience. So, whether you choose to work 1:1, join a retreat or enroll in a group mentorship program, just know that together we will nurture and revive the wisdom, abundance, power, and fullness you’ve had in you all along.

To work with me is to know you will always have a space of acceptance, love, support and safety to land in; a space for you to take up, explore, express and be fully seen in.

It is absolute pleasure and passion to open my doors to you and stand alongside you in your big, beautiful, unique journey. Walk in when you’re ready!

Client Love + Reflections